1 square cottage composite door

Cottage Collection

Every home can capture a touch of Manx rustic charm with a Dragan Cottage style door.

These designs feature a tongue and groove finish, which adds character and warmth to both country-inspired as well as modern properties.

1 Square


Cottage Half Glaze


Mid Square

Mid Square

Mid Square

Personalise your new door

Hardware & Furniture
We offer a range of suited furniture to match any home, from traditional hardware to contemporary stainless steel options.

19 Door Colours
We have colours to suit any home, be it traditional, contemporary or modern. and you can match internal with external.

You can have any locking system with any furniture suite - so it's even easier to get the lock and security you require including auto slam shut.

Glass and Glazing options
Our unique glazing cassette can be removed from the inside so if your glass gets broken it can easily be replaced.

Download your free composite door brochure to view our full options.

Once you know which door and colour you like, complete the form below and we’ll get a quote to you within the next few days

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